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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Once upon a time I was a creative writing major.  I took courses in nonfiction, ficion and poetry.  So I've been attempting to rescue this skill and have decided to put up some poems.  I'm not saying these are good - no one else has read them, but it does feel good to be writing again . . .

Land of My Heart

Land of my heart, you are not
The place of my birth

You are hills of pines and mountains of broken rocks,
You are red-rim volcanic domes and curious cliffs
I will not dare peer from the edges of

In your sheltered villages, the people plant seeds;
They hold the husky shells between thumb and forefinger
And dig deep, aiming for some relief when the winter winds creep in,
Silently but securely.

There is a magnetic pull to this land – I swear to God
I am the only one who knows it – some live there, they know the land
Some visit – they take snapshots and go home,

But I am torn like some hide off an animal:
Wanting to be reattached to the spirit of things.

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